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To bring peace and service to the wilderness that occupies our brothers and sisters in Christ...

The Calm in the Wilderness is an independent organization not affiliated with any denomination, church, state, or public institute. The Calm in the Wilderness Ministerial Services is a ministry that exists to provide emotional and mental support through spiritual and biblical foundations to those who experience difficulties in finding balance. The fundamentals used in providing counseling services is created using faith-based approach using the foundations of scripture and the gospels of Jesus Christ. 


The Calm in the Wilderness is committed to focusing on events in individuals lives that have disrupted balance in personal and family dynamics. Our goal is to create wellness mentally, emotionally, and spiritually using Biblical perspective, in addition, incorporating a therapeutic process. By keeping those who we serve needs first, we take a person-centered approach to increase growth through struggles and heal from pain allowing room to move forward in life and hope. 


"Be Strong and Courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged

for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Joshua 1:9

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