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Today’s Devotional


God bless and greetings,

I do hope this text finds you well on this Glorious day given by God’s Spirit of contentment.

May this day be a day where you are able to gravitate to being content. May this day be a day that shows you that despite what is going on, God is present with His process.

Just as a teeter totter goes up and down, so does your day, week, month , and year. Trying to balance the teeter totter by yourself has you being up in the air for only a few moments but then crashing down landing with a hard “thump”. This continues and the cloud of “not being able to get ahead “ or “I don’t know if I can” looms over increasing stress and frustration. The air time achieved takes strength to maintain and just as the teeter totter was built for, it takes two, you and God.

You hear the verse that discusses that through Christ you can do anything. Through Him He can give you strength. One thing that is missed is being content. If you continue to go into moments of gathering strength not recognizing that the balance is knowing and believing that God is with you, then the “thump” at the bottom will always be there.

Paul spoke that you are to be content whether good or not, hungry or full, have everything or have nothing , sick or well, God commanded through Jesus that being in His Father as you are in Him trusting always in the process in full faith, even when not seen, knowing undoubtedly that God will fulfill His promises and listen to your prayers, then just as a cool breeze blows on a warm day, God’s grace and Spirit is with you continually bringing a sense of contentment no matter the sun or the rain or the storm. God is the same through and through , so should you be as well.

Remember you are loved immensely and beyond measure. Remember that the only balance in ALL situations is FULLY trusting in God’s promise and process.

May God’s grace be with you as you discover to stop, surrender, receive , and believe in God’s promises so you are able to be content to receive the strength of Jesus.


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