Today’s Devotional
God bless and greetings,
I do hope this text finds you well on this Glorious day given by God’s calming hand of love.
May this day be a day where you are able to watch when moments get escalated and refrain from anger and bitterness. May this day be a day that removes scales from your eyes to see our parts on anger.
Anger and judgement are two of the most damaging components in your journey. When these two mix and begin to merge, agitation, irritation, no tolerance, lack of rationale are the byproducts and steer us off God’s path. These same attributes lead to grudges and the day old “I will forgive them, but won’t forget” becomes the additive to your language opening up a sliver of bitterness and hardening in your heart.
If you say you walk in the light of God and believe in His ways but abhors another person has darkness blinding your eye creating bitterness for light and dark cannot exist in same place . God guides your path in righteousness but if you are not practicing righteousness, this is not of God being you are leading your ways by destain towards another. God commanded that you are to love your neighbor, feed your enemy, give your enemy drink. Jesus commanded that you love your enemy and lift them up in edification without unwholesome talk leaving your lips.
When you have been crossed or have fallen into the snare of gossip your eyes become fixed on the inquiries of others and cannot take account of the iniquities of yourself leading to pointing out discrepancies causing judgment. Taking on what another person gives out opens your heart to hardening and you justify all this by saying, “Well if they didn’t do…I wouldn’t “. Bless those who curse you rather than curse those who curse you. If you say you know God but cannot keep His greatest commandments you are considered a liar.
Remember you are loved immensely and beyond all measure. Remember love does not keep records of wrongs nor reacts on anger.
May God’s grace be with you as you rid yourself of bitterness and anger towards God’s children, your brothers and sisters, and put on God’s love.